Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Are We Ready For The New Age?

Are We Ready For the New Age?

Sometimes we find ourselves in a blind alley mostly because we don’t listen to our inner self. But what does that mean? The inner self is the personified inner essence of our existence and it represents our inner mind, which is activated when we look inside ourselves and look for solutions to certain problems within us. For when we lean on other people, such solutions are always questionable.

We should try to find within ourselves the power necessary for us to look within and find our own truth inside ourselves. But what is truth? It is the path eluding us when we don’t take care of ourselves, but deal mostly with others and so forget about ourselves and our path or truth. Our truth is our path, liberating us from burdens of our past and showing us the way to a better tomorrow.

When we are able to distinguish between our way and the ways of other people, we are already on the path of truth, setting us free from everything we no longer want in our lives. Inner peace gives us the courage to stand up for ourselves, for when we find our inner calmness, we are strong on the outside as well, and inner peace frees us from all uneasein our minds and places us on the path of inner wisdom, setting us into the centre of our own activities.

Whenever we ask ourselves about our mission in this life, we should look inward, into our own consciousness. Our soul is sending us all the information we want through our feelings, but if we are focused outwardly, there is a great number of disruptive factors, distracting us from recognizing the feelings of our soul.

The soul is a very subtle energy, encompassing all knowledge, feelings, love and comprehension of life itself, and it directs us on the way of wisdom towards the final goal. The soul’s final goal is oneness with everything that exists, and the soul is aware of oneness due to its Divine origin. When we separate ourselves from others due to low emotions, we cannot find love within us, but only what distances us from our true selves.

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