Wednesday, July 16, 2014

blog alpha lion painting

25 Characteristics of an Alpha Male

Characteristics of a Real Man

The Alpha Male, the real man, a man’s man, a warrior, a stand-up guy. It doesn’t matter what you call him, he’s a leader, the guy others look to for motivation, inspiration, and often with a hint of jealousy. He’s the man women want, without inention the center of attention.
He’s the guy, the man.
Here’s 25 characteristics that make a man the alpha. Leave your additions (or subtractions) in the comments section.
1. The alpha male is persistent. There’s no quit in this man. He’s the tortose not the hare. He’s the last man standing.
2. The alpha male can defend himself and his family. He can handle himself with his fists, to put it another way.
3. The alpha male is in peak physical shape. He’s strong and athletic as well as aesthetically pleasing to the opposite sex.
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4. The alpha male is courageous. He doesn’t lack fear, rather, he accepts that it exists and faces it at every opportunity.
5. The alpha male can entertain. He has a sense of humor and can have a group of people hanging on his every word – he’s a good story teller.
6. The alpha male has stories to tell. He’s lived – and is living – a unique life. He’s made mistakes, but he’s able to find humor in them. He’s had adventures that everyone wants to hear about.
7. The alpha male can laugh at himself. This is an over-looked characteristic of an alpha male, but a ne
cessary one. You can’t make fun of the alpha male because he’ll join in, no one can make fun of him better than he can.
8. The alpha male is humble. Some of this comes from his ability to laugh at himself. No matter what he accomplishes, his head will never balloon, and if it does, he has the ware-with-all to come back down to earth before it gets out of hand.
9. The alpha male is learned, educated. A degree isn’t a prerequisite, but a thirst for knowledge is. He wants to learn, and he does. This helps him relate to people from every social and economic standing. He can converse intelligently with the business man and the preacher. The history buff and the sports nut.
10. The alpha male is a man’s man. He’s a hard guy not to like or want to have a beer with. He’s tough, often quiet, composed, but can joke and shoot the shit with anyone.
11. The alpha male knows the value of every word, he doesn’t talk simply to hear the sound of his own voice. His words are chosen carefully. He respects their power. Whether he’s writing or speaking, he doesn’t speak to be hear, he speaks when he has something of value to say. He’s never the loudest one in the room.
12. The alpha male has a purpose. This may be his most defining trait. Where many wander through life trying to find their Self, the alpha male is too busy creating his Self. Every day he does something to bring himself closer to his goal. He isn’t a wanderer, he’s going places; it’s so obvious that everyone around him can see it.
13. The alpha male is a hard worker. He knows that nothing great is accomplished without hard work and a definite purpose.
14. The alpha male is a warrior not a worrier. He understands that cetain things aren’t under his control. He does everything he can to control what hecan, but doesn’t worry about what he can’t. He’s not worried about tomorrow, he’s too busy working for today.
15. The alpha male doesn’t pick a fight, but he ends it if he’s in one. He isn’t a bully. He isn’t an emotional wreck that looks for a fight at every corner. But, if the logical thing to do is to fight because the situation calls for it, he will. He’ll also never hit a man when he’s down. He isn’t fighting to destroy, but to defend.
16. The alpha male has style. He takes pride in how he looks and people respect him for that. He also knows how to dress like a man. You’d never call the alpha male a metrosexual.
17. The alpha male knows who he is, his values govern his life. He doesn’t stray from these values, in fact he stands up for them. Even when he stands alone in what he believes is right, he digs his heels in and fights.
18. The alpha male knows how to treat a lady. He respects women, often because he’s had some great one’s in his life. He’s chivalrous.
He helps his lady at every chance. He helps her reach her dreams, all-the-while moving closer to attaining his own.
19. The alpha male isn’t a sucker. He isn’t a clinger. He doesn’t go out of his way to please everyone because that’s a futile endeavor. He won’t let a woman run his life. He’s his own man. Though he worships the ground his lady walks on, he knows how to pick ‘em. He won’t be with a control-freak or a jealous woman. He has the social intelligence to see that storm before it peeks it’s nasty little head.
20. The alpha male is a man of value. “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” Einstein knew that success is reached if you’re valuable to others. The alpha male is a man of value and values. He makes the lives of others better by being a part of them.
21. The alpha male helps others, he’s generous. He has his purpose, but he knows that life isn’t merely about accomplishments, but about leaving a legacy. That legacy is how he made others feel, and how he helps others accomplish their dreams.
22. The alpha male is a leader who leads by example. He doesn’t tell people how to live, but lives in the manner he sees as best to live.
23. Alpha males throughout history, Achilles, William Wallace, and Napoleon, saw opportunity where others saw failure. The alpha male will fail, but he won’t see failure as the end. He’s sees it as a necessary part of the experience, a stepping-stone. Knowing this allows him to try things others won’t, and to work harder when others usually quit.
24. The alpha male is stubborn. When he starts something he’s passionate about, no one can stop him or pull back on the reigns. He’s in it until the end. He’s also open-minded and willing to listen to other points of view. He knows he’s flawed and stubborn, so he gives way and learns from people who are better than him.
25. The alpha male doesn’t try to be an alpha male. That’s where so many fail. He is interested in life, in living. He’s fascinated by the world around him, in becoming the best man he can possibly become. He genuinely cares about people. He passionately works hard. He’s excited by life, by the opportunity that each day presents. He’s genuine in every facet of who he is. Each of the characteristics are possessed by him naturally, or will be as he grows as a man. Bred from curiosity, a genuine kindness, and a warrior’s heart, he is who he is, and all others follow him wherever he will lead them.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

First monkeys with customized mutations born

First monkeys with customized mutations born

Milestone for targeted gene-editing technology promises better models for human diseases.
By Helen Shen
30 January 2014
Shared via

Twin cynomolgus monkeys born in China are the first with mutations in specific target genes.

The ultimate potential of precision gene-editing techniques is beginning to be realised. Today, researchers in China report the first monkeys engineered with targeted mutations1, an achievement that could be a stepping stone to making more realistic research models of human diseases.

Xingxu Huang, a geneticist at the Model Animal Research Center of Nanjing University in China, and his colleagues successfully engineered twin cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) with two targeted mutations using the CRISPR/Cas9 system — a technology that hastaken the field of genetic engineering by storm in the past year. Researchers have leveraged the technique to disrupt genes in mice and rats2, 3, but until now none had succeeded in primates.

"This is an important step," says Feng Zhang, a synthetic biologist who was not involved in the study, but who has helped to develop CRISPR technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. "It shows that the system is working."
Primate push

Transgenic mice have long dominated as models for human diseases, in part because scientists have honed a gene-editing method for the animals that uses homologous recombination — rare, spontaneous DNA-swapping events — to introduce mutations. The strategy works because mice reproduce quickly and in large numbers, but the low rates of homologous recombination make such a method unfeasible in creatures such as monkeys, which reproduce slowly.

"We need some non-human primate models," says Hideyuki Okano, a stem-cell biologist at Keio University in Tokyo. Human neuropsychiatric disorders can be particularly difficult to replicate in the simple nervous systems of mice, he says.

Previous attempts to genetically modify primates have relied on viral methods4, 5, which create mutations efficiently, but at unpredictable locations and in uncontrolled numbers. Prospects for primates brightened with the emergence of the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing system, which uses customizable snippets of RNA to guide the DNA-cutting enzyme Cas9 to the desired mutation site.

Huang and his team first tested the technology in a monkey cell line, disrupting each of three genes with 10–25% success. Encouraged, the scientists subsequently targeted the three genes simultaneously in more than 180 single-celled monkey embryos. Ten pregnancies resulted from 83 embryos that were implanted, one of which led to the birth of a pair with mutations in two genes: Ppar-γ, which helps to regulate metabolism, and Rag1, which is involved in healthy immune function.
'Interesting demonstration'

Stem-cell researcher Rudolf Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, calls the result an interesting demonstration, but says that it offers little scientific insight. "The next step is to see if we can learn anything from it," says Jaenisch, who pioneered the use of transgenic mice in the 1970s.

The combined mutations in Ppar-γ and Rag1 do not represent a particular disease syndrome, says Huang, although each gene is associated with human disorders.The group has yet to fully analyze the monkeys' condition, and must run further tests to assess whether the mutations occurred in all ot the animals' cells."Our first aim was to get it done, to get it to work," Huang says. But the finding suggests that researchers could one day model other human conditions involving multiple mutations.

The race is already on to create more CRISPR-modified monkeys, and with greater reliability. Zhang and his colleagues are working to optimize the technology for primate cells, in order to boost mutation efficiency. Okano's team is analyzing unpublished results from monkey models of autism and immune dysfunction, recently created with older gene-editing technologies; they, too, are now trying their luck with CRISPR. And Huang's group is expecting results from eight other pending pregnancies.

"There are a lot more things to do," says Huang.


Niu, Y. et al. Cell (2014).
ChemPort Show context

Yang, H. et al. Cell 154, 1370–1379 (2013).
ChemPort Show context

Li, W., Teng, F., Li, T. & Zhou, Q. Nature Biotechnol. 31, 684–686 (2013).
ChemPort Show context

Yang, S.-H. et al. Nature 453, 921–924 (2008).
ChemPort Show context

Sasaki, E. et al. Nature 459, 523–527 (2009).
ChemPort Show context

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why Giraffes Don't Get Dizzy

In just a second or two, a giraffe can lift its head from ground level to the sky, some 15 feet up, and never get a head rush.

"If we did that we'd certainly faint," says physiologist Graham Mitchell of the University of Wyoming.

Mitchell and his team report in the July 1 issue of the Journal of Experimental Biology that a hefty, hard-working heart and high blood pressure keep a giraffe free of fainting spells.

How it works

A giraffe's head fills with blood when it is near the ground, and blood pressure there doubles. When the beast raises its head up for a bite in the trees, the blood drains out.

This happens to us too. You can feel light-headed if, after hanging upside down and getting red in the face, you quickly turn right-side up. If your blood pressure drops too low, not enough blood flows to your brain, and you can pass out.

With such long necks, giraffes spend a lot of time moving their heads from down low to up high, and so they need a way to keep blood flowing to the brain so they don't get woozy.

Scientists once thought that vessels in the giraffe's neck siphoned blood from the heart to the brain. However, Mitchell's research suggests getting the blood to the brain of an erect giraffe involves a powerful pump and very high blood pressure—twice as high as ours.

26-pound heart

Giraffes have big hearts, weighing up to 26 pounds. When a giraffe lifts its head, blood vessels in the head direct almost all of the blood to flow to the brain, and not to other parts of the head such as their cheeks, tongue, or skin.

At the same time, the animal's thick skin and an unusual muscle in the jugular vein—veins don't normally have muscles—add pressure to the vein, which carries blood from the head back to the heart.

"It's a much more advanced anti-fainting mechanism than we have," Mitchell said.

Rare White Giraffe Photographed

Monday, April 8, 2013

NASA to place an asteroid into orbit around the Moon

NASA will likely be funded $105 million for a new mission proposed by the Obama administration. President Obama will likely request the $105 million when he releases his federal budget request for 2014 next week. In the mission, NASA will seek out a 500-ton near-Earth asteroid (NEA) about 25-foot long, capture it, and drag it into orbit around the Moon. NASA will then send astronauts, via NASA’s upcoming Orion capsule and Space Launch System rocket, to the asteroid in 2021 to study it and grab samples.

$78 million of the funding will be for NASA to develop the technologies for this mission. The goal is for NASA to be able to develop an asteroid-grabbing robotic spacecraft by 2017, and have an asteroid in orbit around the moon by 2019. The other $27 million will be used for discovering the best asteroid for this mission. This mission will also compliment NASA’s other projects, including the “science of mining an asteroid, along with developing ways to deflect one, along with providing a place to develop ways we can go to Mars,” according to Senator Bill Nelson.

Unfortunately, it’s going to take a lot more than $105 million to successfully complete the mission. A study done by Caltech’s Keck Institute for Space Studies in Pasadena estimated that it may cost up to $2.6 billion in order to successfully drag the 500-ton asteroid into orbit around the moon. However, the mission would open new doors for space exploration. The Keck mission concept team stated,

“Experience gained via human expeditions to the small returned NEA would transfer directly to follow-on international expeditions beyond the “Earth-moon system: to other near-Earth asteroids, [the Mars moons] Phobos and Deimos, Mars, and potentially someday to the main asteroid belt.”

The NASA team says that a 25-foot asteroid is the best choice because it’s too small to be a threat to the Earth, and it would just burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere. NASA also announced that it has two other missions planned for 2017. One will be the $200 million TESS project, which will scan nearby stars for exoplanets, and the other is the NICER project, which will observe and measure the variability of cosmic X-ray sources

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

10 Life Lessons by Albert Einstein

10 Life Lessons by Albert Einstein by Selim Yeniçeri


What is your hobby? What are you most curious about? Reading was my greatest hobby, and I’m ever hungry for knowledge. Eventually, this hobby became a career that enabled me to get paid while learning, and even made me a name. Follow your hobbies, and the talents you brought to this world; even if you are unaware of them for now, they will be awakened, and you will succeed!


Are you patient enough to go to the end? Postal stamps are said valuable, because they stick to the envelope until they reach to their destination. Be like a postal stamp, and finish what you start. And always remember: it’s not how you start, but how you finish!


You can’t ride two horses at the same time. You can do some things, but if you try to do everything, you end up doing nothing. Focus on now, and give your whole attention and energy to what you do at the moment. If you can do that, you can do everything you want… in turn.


Your imagination determines your future. Einstein says, “The real measure of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.” Use your imagination, and build it like a muscle. Without imagination, you can’t even know what you want to succeed at.


Don’t be afraid of mistakes. Yes, you may get harmed, or lose some things when you make mistakes. And yes, sometimes you can make fool of yourself, perhaps in front of others. Just be confident of yourself, and even laugh at your own mistakes; but most importantly, learn from your mistakes. Nobody can do something right at first try.


The only way to shape your future is to live at the moment as much and productively as possible. You can’t take yesterday back, and you can’t jump forward in time. The only time that matters is now. If you can learn how to harness the power of now, as Eckhart Tolle emphasizes, you can create a future as in your dreams.


Of course, at the beginning of my career, I couldn’t earn so much of a penny for a very long time. People used to tell me I was fighting against windmills, and that it would be better if I find a regular job with a salary, translating books in my spare time. Frankly, it would divide my time, energy, and resources, so I don’t think I would be so successful. Furthermore, probably I would get in comfort zone due to little money I earned as salary, and I would give up of translating books. But following my dream enabled me to create hundreds of books that people who don’t know English could read, and eventually, name and quality brought the income. When you do something real good – and you do good when you’re in love with something, as I was in love with books – it turns into gold inevitably. Money does not bring success, but success brings money.


Four plus four always equals eight. It’s always same. But when you multiply instead of adding, it equals twice of it. As long as you follow the same routine everyday, your life will be same until the last day. If you want to change your life, change yourself first. Your entire world changes when you change.


There is a joke in Turkish literature. The great folkloric Nasreddin Hodja, famous with his quick wits, falls from the roof of his house. While writhing in pain on the ground, villagers gather around him to help, and some of them suggest about calling the village physician. Hodja turns to them through his pain, and scolds them: “To hell with the physician! Bring me someone who has fallen from a roof!” You can discuss or read about something, but it gains you only a philosophical understanding. If you really want to know something, you have to experience it. The best way to learn something is doing it.


You have to learn the rules when you do something. Every area in life has its own rules, key players, teams, trend setters, etc. Therefore, when you plan to start something new, you have to learn what is what and who is who. Observe the key players, Duplicate their tactics, As you gain more experience, try new things. As blogging masterJohn Paul Aguiar says: “Test! Test! Test!” Observe to learn the rules, duplicate to gain experience, test new tactics to refine your own identity and style!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Watch Comet Pan-STARRS Race Around The Sun

Have you seen it at sunset yet?
By Rebecca BoylePosted 03.19.2013 at 5:00 pm0 Comments

Comet Pan-STARRS From L.A., March 12 Wikimedia Commons

Comet Pan-STARRS is visible in many parts of the U.S. around sunset, and it was at its peak brightness a few days ago when it made its closest pass to the sun. As they approach our star and warm up, dirty cosmic snowballs like Pan-STARRS grow bright tails, or comas, which are made of dust and ice particles that reflect light.

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center stitched together some observations from the STEREO observatory, which watches the sun. The comet moved around the star from March 10 through 15 and gradually grew brighter.

In the video, Earth is the unmoving bright spot on the right, and the sun’s light comes from the left. The swirly vapors on the left are coronal mass ejections. While it looks like one CME goes right past Pan-STARRS, it actually wasn’t in the same plane, because the comet’s tail didn’t move as the CME went by.
Pan-STARRS is named for a synchronized wide-field telescope project developed at the University of Hawaii. Since it became operational in 2010, the first telescope in the system has discovered more than 345 near-Earth asteroids (including 29 potentially hazardous ones) and 19 previously unobserved comets—including the project’s namesake. It will be visible in the western sky at dusk for a few more days.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Physicists Say They Have Found A Higgs Boson

March 14, 2013 9:29 AM

GENEVA (AP) — The search is all but over for a subatomic particle that is a crucial building block of the universe.

Physicists announced Thursday they believe they have discovered the subatomic particle predicted nearly a half-century ago, which will go a long way toward explaining what gives electrons and all matter in the universe size and shape.

The elusive particle, called a Higgs boson, was predicted in 1964 to help fill in our understanding of the creation of the universe, which many theorize occurred in a massive explosion known as the Big Bang. The particle was named for Peter Higgs, one of the physicists who proposed its existence, but it later became popularly known as the "God particle."

The discovery would be a strong contender for the Nobel Prize. Last July, scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, announced finding a particle they described as Higgs-like, but they stopped short of saying conclusively that it was the same particle or was some version of it.

Scientists have now finished going through the entire set of data.

"The preliminary results with the full 2012 data set are magnificent and to me it is clear that we are dealing with a Higgs boson, though we still have a long way to go to know what kind of Higgs boson it is," said Joe Incandela, a physicist who heads one of the two main teams at CERN, each involving several thousand scientists.

Whether or not it is a Higgs boson is demonstrated by how it interacts with other particles and its quantum properties, CERN said in the statement. After checking, scientists said the data "strongly indicates that it is a Higgs boson."

The results were announced in a statement by the Geneva-based CERN and released at a physics conference in the Italian Alps.

CERN's atom smasher, the $10 billion Large Hadron Collider that lies beneath the Swiss-French border, has been creating high-energy collisions of protons to investigate how the universe came to be the way it is.

The particle's existence helps confirm the theory that objects gain their size and shape when particles interact in an energy field with a key particle, the Higgs boson. The more they attract, so the theory goes, the bigger their mass will be.