Some of us live in our own so-called "Reality"
which in actuality is a "Matrix" of Unreality. They choose to
ignore the problems of the world, to turn their shoulders on their brothers and
sisters of the human race, to believe what they are hand held in small dosages
by media outlets controlled by a handful of companies, believing that
politicians have their best interests in mind, and for refusing to believe they
are not controlled by the Corporatocracy.
When I look around me at my peers and the so-called “reality”
they live; I sometimes find myself in utter disbelief leading to a near trance
like state of depression. Why? The vast majority of us are so caught up
in our own "reality" which is built on materialism, greed, fear,
obesity, addiction, narcissism, and overconsumption we are too busy to notice
the misfortunes of those not only in other less fortunate areas of the World we
share, but to those we encounter each and every day. We choose to ignore and escape to our “realities”
which are a comforting part of the “matrix” of unreality each of us creates.
People are worried about what car they drive, clothes they
wear, what trendy club they go to and spend hundreds and in some cases
thousands of dollars to consume a poison that is socially accepted, men having
numerous watches which cost more than the amount it would take to feed hundreds
if not thousands of starving children, women apply cosmetics in amounts that
cost more than it would to keep a child from dying of thirst, we waste, we
pollute, then we only pretend to care because it is the "in" thing to
do. Meanwhile we never answer or seek to ask the real question, "What
can I be doing to help"?
Open your consciousness and be awakened to the reality of
the world.
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